All of these noises compete for our attention every day that we are alive and a part of God's creation. The noise interrupts our lives and disrupt our connection with God. God does not always speak in the booming, audible voice that we imagine, and rarely does God show up physically in the form of Morgan Freeman (or at least God has not done that in my life).
But God speaks in the still, small voice...the voice that can be overpowered by the noise in our lives, unless we are intentional about hearing God's voice. As Christians along the journey of faith, we need to put aside the noise of our day and spend time with God. Then, like Elijah in 1 Kings 19:9-18, we find and hear the still, small voice of God. The voice is challenging us, encouraging us, and comforting us through the Body of Christ around us.
This week I needed to remember that hearing from God is not an accident. I must be willing to get away from the noise of life, even the good noises, and just sit with my Creator. One of my favorite songs came to mind while spending time with God: "If I Could Just Sit With You Awhile" sung by MercyMe.
When I cannot feel When my wounds don't heal Lord I humbly kneel Hidden in You | Lord you are my life So I don't mind to die Just as long as I Am hidden in You | If I could just sit with You awhile If You could just hold me nothing can touch me though I'm wounded though I've died | If I could just sit with You awhile I need You to hold me Moment by moment 'til forever passes by |