Two stories...one in Luke...one in Matthew. Both tell of the birth of Jesus, but both give different accounts of who visited Jesus.
In Luke we meet the Shepherds. Not the most educated, nor the wealthiest businessmen in the world; in fact, just the opposite. Most likely poor and uneducated. Though they were among the least of society, they were the first to hear the birth announcement of the Messiah. Hearing the Good News, they hurry off to see the promised Messiah who was now in the form of a baby in a manger.
In Matthew we meet the Magi, the Wise Men. The opposite of the shepherds, the Magi were probably wealthy and educated. They studied the skies and saw the star that led them to where the child was. Skirting Herod's evil plan, they were able to bring gifts to the child Messiah and escape from Herod's country with their lives.
Two different stories...Two different visitors...Encouragement for all. In the contrast of the Shepherds and the Magi, we have a picture of those that Jesus came to save. At one end of society we have the Shepherds, at the other end we have the Magi. Rich or poor, educated or not, the Jesus came to redeem all who will come to him. He was born to seek and to save what was lost. He came to be love incarnate. Jesus came for you and for me!
In Luke we meet the Shepherds. Not the most educated, nor the wealthiest businessmen in the world; in fact, just the opposite. Most likely poor and uneducated. Though they were among the least of society, they were the first to hear the birth announcement of the Messiah. Hearing the Good News, they hurry off to see the promised Messiah who was now in the form of a baby in a manger.
In Matthew we meet the Magi, the Wise Men. The opposite of the shepherds, the Magi were probably wealthy and educated. They studied the skies and saw the star that led them to where the child was. Skirting Herod's evil plan, they were able to bring gifts to the child Messiah and escape from Herod's country with their lives.
Two different stories...Two different visitors...Encouragement for all. In the contrast of the Shepherds and the Magi, we have a picture of those that Jesus came to save. At one end of society we have the Shepherds, at the other end we have the Magi. Rich or poor, educated or not, the Jesus came to redeem all who will come to him. He was born to seek and to save what was lost. He came to be love incarnate. Jesus came for you and for me!