I am a mystery/detective/scientific book/TV show kind of person. I love walking with the detective/explorer/shadow through the mystery that the author has put together and try to see the same clues that they see. I rarely solve the crime without the help of the main character, but the journey is the best part. The beauty of each story is in the details. I am stretched by characters like Juan Cabrillo, Dirk Pitt, Jack Reacher and Sherlock Holmes. They make it look so easy, but they cheat because they have read the script...the author tells them ahead of time how the story will end.
Our lives in Christ are much the same as the beauty is in the details. We know how the story ends, but the joy and love comes in the journey we take to get to the end. The joy is in the people we meet and share our lives with, the stories we hear and become a part of, and the lives that we impact as they impact us at some level.
Every detective has flaws; every hero has a weakness. The result is that the detective or hero needs someone to walk beside them, to partner with them as they do what they are called to do. Jesus had the disciples (Not saying Jesus had flaws, but he knew he needed someone to carry out his mission on earth after he went to be with God), Paul had Barnabas, Timothy had Paul, David had Jonathan, Barack had Deborah, Adam had Eve, Eve had Adam, the list goes on and on. We need someone to share the journey with, someone to walk alongside and share in the joy of the journey.
When life begins to go too fast and you find yourself wondering where the time is going, stop. Intentionally slow down and find someone to share the journey with, someone to share your story with, someone who will share their story with you. Take time to enjoy the details of life, the loved ones who God has given you, the creation around you, the Body of Christ that you are a part of. Life will not slow down unless you make it. Sometimes we have to tell the world that the phone and computer are being turned off and we are spending time enjoying the journey of life with those that are around us and the rest of the stuff that busies our lives will just have to wait.
Our lives in Christ are much the same as the beauty is in the details. We know how the story ends, but the joy and love comes in the journey we take to get to the end. The joy is in the people we meet and share our lives with, the stories we hear and become a part of, and the lives that we impact as they impact us at some level.
Every detective has flaws; every hero has a weakness. The result is that the detective or hero needs someone to walk beside them, to partner with them as they do what they are called to do. Jesus had the disciples (Not saying Jesus had flaws, but he knew he needed someone to carry out his mission on earth after he went to be with God), Paul had Barnabas, Timothy had Paul, David had Jonathan, Barack had Deborah, Adam had Eve, Eve had Adam, the list goes on and on. We need someone to share the journey with, someone to walk alongside and share in the joy of the journey.
When life begins to go too fast and you find yourself wondering where the time is going, stop. Intentionally slow down and find someone to share the journey with, someone to share your story with, someone who will share their story with you. Take time to enjoy the details of life, the loved ones who God has given you, the creation around you, the Body of Christ that you are a part of. Life will not slow down unless you make it. Sometimes we have to tell the world that the phone and computer are being turned off and we are spending time enjoying the journey of life with those that are around us and the rest of the stuff that busies our lives will just have to wait.